Steven Main Glass Studio

Steven Main Glass Studio Fire Series Gourd

Steven Main

Regular price $775.00
Steven Main Glass Studio Fire Series Gourd

This is the fire Series gourd, by Steven Main world renowned glass artist.  Steven Main is known for his intense color pattern, that are created by his special technique.  He starts with the laying out of hand pulled cane(glass rods) in a mosaic-like pattern.  They are placed on a heated marver(a mettle table) which raises the temperature of the rods to the same temperature as the blowpipe.  As the pipe is rolls over the marver, picking up the design onto the core of the colored glass.  Several more layers are then added on top of that layer.  At this point the glass is blown out to the desired shape.  The additional layers of glass is called casing, and this process gives all of his art  glass the depth.  

Steven Main's Fire series is one the most colorful groups in his collections.  His red color are so rich, contrasting it to the grey that is mingled in the same piece.